Global Peace Mission (The World Peace Headquarters) is the official, leading Non-Government Organization based out of the United States with a global and expanding presence in over 100 countries. Its mission, to end violence, wars and achieve global peace by visionary leadership with (5) primary goals: 1.) collective unification 2.) social reformation 3.) structured agreements 4.) disaster relief funds and 5.) long-term prosperity. Our focus is humanity and the interpersonal relationships within civilization, to achieve real peace with a nourishing, thriving and non-violent coexistence. Social reformation with acceptance, tolerance and celebration of diversified cultures. We are committed to end wars, violence, animosity and hatred through a broad global vision and relentless leadership. Success and flourishing are only possible through non-violent cooperation for the greater common good of men, women and children within all nations and across all borders. War is about false idols, money, greed, power, territory confiscation, control, weapons, insecurity and hatred. Peace is about kindness, strength, leadership and humanity. Positive global relationships and forward, visionary leadership are here now if we stand for what is right. Peace and prosperity are interconnected and all faiths, races, colors, languages and national origins are asked to join us now to achieve peace. We must strive daily united for the greater common good of all mankind to reach higher levels of happiness, joy and prosperity. #GlobalPeaceMission #GlobalGoals #StopTheViolence #GPM #LEAD